JMAR Technologies
Carlsbad, CA


JMAR Technologies is a 4900 square foot laser technology research firm located in Carlsbad Ranch Corporate Center. These offices were set up for the executives to conduct their investment and board meetings separate from the manufacturing/ research plant.  A cutting edge and inviting image was needed to represent the new technology this company produces. Rich blues and khaki beiges are used throughout with warm cherry colored woods. The linear space of the reception/display area was altered visually by the use of circular forms on the floor pattern as well as the walls and reception desk.  The shapes of the circular forms were designed to direct traffic flow, differentiate areas and mimic the shape of the building.  The board/ conference room repeats the cherry wood on the custom designed cabinets for all the special audio-visual equipment and presentation boards. A modern custom cherry wood conference table housing data and electrical as well as connections to the audio-visual equipment was carefully integrated into the design of the room.







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